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Swiftly Engineered iOS Posts

SwiftUI Data Flow Explained

SwiftUI offers a declarative approach to user interface design, and automatically updates the affected parts of the interface when the data changes. This is often referred to as unidirectional data flow, and it has fundamentally changed the way applications are architected in the Apple ecosystem1. To update views when data changes,…


SwiftUI provides a powerful way to pass data and settings down the view hierarchy using the Environment. In this article, we will learn what the Environment is, how to read and set environment values, and how to create custom environment values. What is the Environment? The Environment is a collection of…


StateObject is a property wrapper that allows you to create and store an observable object in a view. An observable object is a class that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol and can notify its observers when its properties change. This is useful for creating and managing stateful objects in SwiftUI.…


Binding is a property wrapper that allows you to create a two-way connection between a property that stores data and a view that displays and changes it. This means that any changes made to the property will be reflected in the view, and any changes made in the view will…


Published is a property wrapper that allows you to mark a property of a class as observable, meaning that any changes to its value will trigger an update in the views that depend on it. This is useful for creating reactive and dynamic user interfaces with SwiftUI. In this article,…

Cryptography in iOS Applications

Cryptography plays a vital role in securing data and ensuring the privacy of users in the digital world. For iOS developers, understanding and implementing cryptographic techniques is essential for protecting sensitive information within their applications. This article will explore various cryptographic techniques available for iOS developers, along with code examples…

Combine method

Combine is a reactive programming framework introduced by Apple that enables developers to handle asynchronous events and data streams in a more elegant and efficient manner. One of the key features of Combine is its rich set of methods, known as operators, that allow developers to transform, filter, and manipulate…

Create Public Swift Package Manager: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a Public Swift Package Manager: A Step-by-Step Guide Swift Package Manager (SPM) is the official package manager for Swift, allowing developers to easily share and reuse code across projects. Public packages can be made available to the entire Swift community, simplifying the process of distributing and using open-source libraries.…